It has been quite a task trying to find time to blog… let alone sleep lately. I thought I’d give it a try before I take my nap before I have to get up to get my daughter ready for school. Baby boy is sleeping the same as I last mentioned. He wakes every 2 – 2.5 hours for a bottle. He drinks about 3 ounces at a time now… sometimes more. He is starting to smile. He prefers to be held whether he is sleep or awake. For some unknown reason, he becomes a little hell-raiser at between the hours of 1 am and 4 am. No matter what time he falls asleep, he awakes at 1 am like clockwork. We feed him, change him, rock him, talk to him, and nothing works. He loves to lay down on the bed or sofa and play. He will coo and kick his legs and likes when we talk and be silly with him. Still… he cries. He will get quiet for a little while and even nod off… but the crying starts back almost immediately. It’s not like his normal crying either. Denard thinks it’s gas but I am not so sure. We bought some gas drops and he promptly spit it in my face (lol! Guess he knew that was not his milk.) His dad got him to swallow some of it while feeding him a bottle. It made no difference that night. In general, he is fussier than Aida was. Or as my sister says, “he’s temperamental.” Aida was such a laid back baby. I am pretty sure this is the universe paying me back for something..probably my own moodiness. Either way, he is my little Brady-bear and I love my little boo.
Miss Aida has turned into quite the big kid. She has kept up with her reading and has got even better. I have to keep an eye on my phone with her around. It is to the point now that she knows how to navigate around the internet on her own. She has taken becoming a big sister quite well. I would like to think it is mostly due to my talks with her about the changes that were ahead but I cannot take all of the credit. She has always been a nurturing child. I just made sure we included her in all that we could and educated her on all that was happening. The only thing I cannot seem to get into her head is that you must not disturb a sleeping baby. Just the image of her bouncing on the bed and running into the room screaming and laughing makes me shudder just a bit. Her brother is a light sleeper and any sudden noise or movement gets him stirring quickly. Aida is the complete opposite. The baby can be screaming right next to her ear while she is asleep and she does not flinch. I have asked her the next morning if she heard anything and her answer is always no. I can only dream of sleeping that good!
So, that is pretty much the goings on with my two love bugs. Myself – well, I just try to find time for me whenever I can. I have had to succumb to changing my sleeping habits. I get a nap at night and during the day. In the evening is when I get most things done. It has been hard to find time to scrapbook; I have to give up some sleep time to fit it in. I know all of this will change soon enough once little man starts sleeping more. I may actually miss my quiet late nights….maybe…
Oh, the sleeping thing is so hard–I remember that from a couple of years ago, when Allen was sleep-walking/having night terrors exactly 1.5hrs after he fell asleep… Hang in there Momma!! They are both so beautiful.