Pre-Made Free Template F.A.Q. & Terms


  1. Tronesia Yvette maintains the copyright to any and all graphics and blog designs created.
  2. Pre-made templates come as-is.
  3. Credit to Tronesia Yvette for full template design is appreciated (can be placed at the bottom of your blog or in the sidebar).
  4. Please send feedback and/or suggestions to myself by email (tronesia @ tronesia . com). I would love to hear from you!




Q: Blogger gives me an error when trying to upload the template!

A: This tends to happen for reasons I am not sure about. One idea to try is to change your theme (after backing it up of course) to one of Blogger’s default ones, such as the “Simple” blue theme. This will possibly reset the theme/template. Then try uploading the template again. If you still receive an error, please email me at

Q: There’s an ugly Blogger navbar on my sidebar!

A: This is an easy fix! Go to Layout, click “edit” in the navbar widget. Within that, there should be an option to set it to “off”. Save and that should do it!

Q: My blog title and/or gadget titles do not fit into the designated areas.

A: Unfortunately, if your blog title or gadget titles are not fitting, please try to shorten their names (e.g instead of “Check out my Followers!” you could just do “Followers!”).

Q. My gadgets appear under blog posts.

Go to Layout then locate the gadgets under blog posts and move each one to the right hand side. Drag gadgets up or down to arrange.

Q: Will the images on the sample template be provided?

A: The zip file of the template will include the template XML file, a link to this page, and flattened PNG/JPG of graphics that are free to be shared according to the originating designers’ license. For logos, most are created with a free font and I will be happy to provide you with font names.

Recommended Widgets for

– Social Media Share –> Share This :

– Pinterest Widget –> Found here



Coming soon!

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