A few weeks ago, Brayden started kindergarten. He was so very excited. He chose to wear his Minecraft shirt the first day and as I dropped him off, he told me it was going to be a super awesome day. Even though he felt so great about going to school, mama does not. Every evening he is falling asleep by 4:00 pm. None of us in our house are good sleepers. I have tried the whole bedtime routine thing. We will do bathtime, read a story, and then it is time to lay down and relax. Some days it just does not work out. For a couple of weeks, baby boy will be sleeping good and on time and then the next couple of weeks, everything is off. Knowing how small children, especially my own, behave when they don’t have enough rest, worries me. Just like I did with his big sister, I will give him a break if he has had less than 8 hours of sleep the night before. I don’t feel right dropping him off when he is like that.
I asked a few people for some sleep ideas and I got a couple of great suggestions. I still wonder though if 5 is too soon for a full-day at school without any nap. His school does give them a 20-minute rest time, but that still leaves me doubtful. No matter what though, I am the parent and if I feel it’s not a good idea, he won’t go for the day. I am not worried about him missing days because he knows most, if not all, of what he is going to be learning during the school year. Then there is part of me that wonders if I should have kept him home and taught him myself for this year. So many questions…parenting never gets any easier.
Anyway, here is my layout all about his first day wonders and my worries.
The kit used for this layout is by Wendy P Designs, Happy School Daze. There are always many cute school kits to choose from but I wanted something more neutral and I love the pops of yellow (one of Brady’s favorite colors).
For the title and “kindergarten” label, I used this wonderful serif font that I purchased in a bundle some time ago. It’s called Karmela. I usually am not a big fan of serif fonts but I love this one. It’s casual with a but of playfulness. I used a masking technique and the chalk paintbrush in Photoshop to give it the look of being written with chalk. I love how it turned out, and it’s a technique that worked so well with this font.