A few things I wanted to post about and I was not sure where to start. One more week of school for my little lady and Christmas break will be upon us. I am actually excited. Not sure if she will be as excited because of her obsession with her teacher (lol!), but she will have to find a way to get through it. Oh! I have to definitely put that down in history. Don’t think I have here, but I truly believe my daughter is obsessed with her teacher and it is the cutest thing. I could always tell when she was in daycare who had taught her anything because it would be “Ms. So-and-So said….” whenever I was trying to help her with something. Now it is no exception. I even asked her if she just thinks I make things up. She says no but she just wants me to know what Mrs. A said (lol!). I just say okay and moving with it. Every morning the teachers come pick the kids up from their morning assembly (I guess that’s what you call it) and my child tries to sit at the end of her class line so she can be in the front to hold her teacher’s hand. I have witnessed her shed tears when she was not first. Same thing when I have come to pick her up. I have to remind her that they have to share Mrs. A. I know she is awesome but there is only one of her. I will say, she… Mrs. A is amazing. Barely any questions to ask because she is on top of all of that. I have no idea how she does it.
Before school, Aida was reluctant to sound out words with me. She knew the letter sounds and letters. Every now and then with her dad, she would freeze up, but as I told him I think it is his tone and he does not exactly make it a fun process. The past 3 months or so, I have seen a completely different child. She is reading on her own, not afraid to try sounding out words and even breaks words down so that she can write notes on her own. She loves to tell me about silent letters in words and words that do not sound the way they look. This all brings me to thinking about the scrapbook page I want to share today.
I have many conversations with my daughter. Now that her world of words is expanding, things are getting more interesting. One day she asked me: “Why are they called cowboys if they don’t ride cows?” I was tickled, so I sent her to her dad who loves to Google random facts. He answered her question but I do not think she was sold on the idea behind it. Saving these conversations and adding them to our scrapbooks has been something I have tried to focus on more lately. When we moved, I asked her every few days or so, how she was feeling about the new place and if there was anything new she might want to try. I wanted to get her talking so she could work through how she was feeling. The more we talked and shared, the more I noticed her being okay with her family and old friends or teachers being far away and not easy to visit. She started to grasp onto the idea of meeting new friends and finding new favorite places to go. That is what this page is all about. I did not record the details, just the main idea behind the photos.
This page was created with the following digital items:
- Boy Wonder + Basic Backgrounds – Shawna Clingerman
- Font: Jessica Elaine – Vanessa Bays
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