Creative Avenues

The Fine Print

All opinions expressed on this blog are my own. The photos and layouts shown are my own, unless I have stated otherwise. I choose what to share and review. From time to time, I may use affiliate links to promote products. Please know that I only choose and link things I genuinely love and would buy myself {or already have!}. This blog is a true reflection of me and I appreciate your visit and support!

Project Life Update + Autumn Colors

I have been meaning to post on the blog all week long, but just did not have it in me. I had lots of ideas and they came and went. So today, I said…just do it.

Not too much has been going on. About a week ago, I volunteered at Aida’s school for a fundraiser. The kids are collecting pledges and ran laps. Each class had a chance to run for 10 minutes to see who would run the most. Those kids were faster than I thought..some were like a blur. They had music playing and all of the parents were cheering them on. It was nice to see everyone being positive and helpful. I have not seen  too much of that since I moved but being at the school was different. I was tired at the end (even though I was just a lap counter and not running) but it turned out to be a great day. The whole collecting pledges thing is a little much for me. We don’t have family up here and I am not one to ask people for money for school and all. I do not see anything wrong with it but it is just not something I like to do, so I decided that we would donate what we could.

Another thing that I have started doing is watching more of the Creative Live free broadcasts. If you are not familiar with it, you should definitely check it out. They show live photography related workshops. You can enroll for the live broadcast for free and it will send you an email reminder once it begins. Pretty cool concept and I have already learned a few things. The course I am really excited about is one coming up on videography. I use the video function of my DSLR and I would love learn to edit it. I fumbled around with one the other day in Lightroom 5 the other day. It was not hard but it would have been better if I knew what I was doing (lol!).

I got a chance to finish a couple of pages this week. This first one is a project life page for this year. I am still not finished with 2012 but I had an idea and just had to work on my 2013 pages. I will admit that looking back on the beginning of this year is quite

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The other day Aida and I stopped at the park on the way home from school. She always says she does not like this particular park but I love it. It’s quiet and not many people come there. The couple of people I have met and spoken to say it was their first time there. This day I really just wanted to get some fall photos but that did not happen. A couple of quick shots were all I got. There were a few kids there and Aida and them were having a ball playing. Of course, mama could not stop that.

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The following digital items were used to create these pages:

I have some plans for the blog and more things that I want to share. I am always nervous with each blog post that I create. I love to share but I just do not like doing things half way. So…hopefully soon… great things will be on the way. I hope you are having a great weekend and thanks for visiting!


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