Just a few things on my mind right now. Thinking about some of the decisions I have made in the past year or so. I always say that there is nothing I have regretted in my life. Every choice I have made and will make is for a reason; I take full ownership of anything I ever decided to do. Every now and then though, I get to thinking about it all. Where does it fit? How did I come to that conclusion? Lots of random things go through my mind on a day-to-day basis. Some I keep a note of and some I just let pass by. Most times when I am in a place of conflict I am unable to do anything creative (taking photos, scrapbooking…) but this week has been different. I have scrapped more pages in the past few days than I have in a long time. It just struck me as a little weird.. but in a good way.
It’s Memorial Day weekend and I really do not see us doing much. We never do much. I think that is the main reason I miss being with my family. We always did things together. My guy would rather sleep in. When Aida and I first moved up here, things were kind of quiet for a while until we got used to the place and the snow started to melt. We got out more and did a lot of things with just us girls. It is one of the main reasons I am ready for the school year to be over. I hate being tied to a schedule and I enjoy having her with me. That actually reminds me that I need to check out a few local web sites to see what happenings are going on this summer. One thing we will be doing is taking her to her first baseball game next month. That will be fun…. and hectic.
Something very exciting and causing me much anxiety right now is this week is the 28th week of my pregnancy. I think Aida is just as excited because we check the countdown every other day. Right now, I am calling my little one “Baby B” (first initial of his name). I had Aida’s name chosen months before she was due, too. I did the 1-hour gestational diabetes test last week and my results were good and I got the all clear for that. I was really relieved for that. I have been watching what I eat, and I just started to gain weight this week, which is a plus. I have got to put the eating changes in overdrive once he is here, though… for my sake and his. Doctor says he is measuring about a week ahead but we will do another ultrasound around 34 weeks to get one more look at his size. I think he will be fine though… just my gut feeling. His kicks are definitely much stronger now. We can feel and see him move. Whenever Aida is reading or talking, he tends to get very busy. I have a feeling those two are going to be a perfect pair… of trouble… even with their age difference… lol!
One thing I do need to get a grasp on is how I am going to scrapbook for two kids. This is the first page I have made that I want to include in both of their books and I just made two versions of the journaling.
Aida has photos of her nursery, so I had to document the same moment for him (although, he will be in my bedroom). I have a thing for wanting my babies to be close. We never let Aida out of our sight the day she was born. I made sure Denard stayed with her and let them know she would be sleeping in the room with me. I also hated how they wanted to wash her up every night at 2 am after she was done nursing and had fallen asleep… that drove me crazy! Anyway… let me get up and do something with my life.
Hope you enjoy your Sunday and thanks for visiting!!