I hope everyone was in good spirits bringing in the new year, or at least as good as you could be. My silly self decided to have my wisdom teeth on the left side removed on New Year’s Eve. My thinking was that we don’t do anything anyway and the last couple of years, we have been home. Pretty sure I was sleep when the year rang in the last 2 years. I have been feeling pretty good until yesterday morning. I woke up with a sharp pain radiating on the left side of my face. Oh my goodness, I felt so bad. Let me just say. I do not like pain medication, so I try not to take it unless I really have to…. and I really had to. Kind of glad the dentist told me to just take the prescription with my just in case. I believe it’s the one that got pulled on the bottom that is giving me all of the trouble. Ugh! I just wish it would go away.
The worst part? I have the meds and cannot take them. There is no one to watch the kids. I get no sick days… no vacation days… nothing. And Denard… well.. he tries I guess. As we have discussed plenty, his consistency needs work. I feel worn down. I sure miss being able to call my boss and say I will not be in for the day or scheduling some time off. The countdown was real and the relief felt so good. Most nights I skip sleep and opt to get a nap during the day while my daughter is in school. What’s the point of sleeping? I am not going to feel any better. Tired is tired.
Didn’t want to make this long. Just a little update of where I am.
The other night to help ignore some of the pain in my jaw, I decided to change things up slightly on my blog. I had been working on this template when I decided I want to blog about my Sims 4 gameplay. I was not sure if I wanted to bring that to this blog and after a lot of thinking, I am. This blog is about my life. A record of it and the game is part of it. My sims are my escape. Scrapbooking is an outlet but sometimes I want something a little more fun and lighter and not so focused on my family. So, don’t be alarmed if you see more photos of my little characters here and there…lol! I already have a Simblr (Sims blog on Tumblr) that I think I mentioned here before. More than likely I will keep that other blog since it’s easier to interact with the sims community through there.