Creative Avenues

The Fine Print

All opinions expressed on this blog are my own. The photos and layouts shown are my own, unless I have stated otherwise. I choose what to share and review. From time to time, I may use affiliate links to promote products. Please know that I only choose and link things I genuinely love and would buy myself {or already have!}. This blog is a true reflection of me and I appreciate your visit and support!

Lovely Sunshine

A month ago we went to Aida’s ‘favorite park.’ We found this park the day we went to the library, and now she calls it her favorite.  She loves it and I have no idea why or what makes it more special than the others. It is normally not the first park I go to because it is a little drive to get to it, but it is worth it to see her enjoying the sunshine.


Lately, she has been sucked into the world of Minecraft. First, she was playing the free version on the iPad and I saw what the game was about and how well she was doing. She had built houses and had a nice size inventory of goods. I went ahead and paid for the full version  of the game so that she could have access to everything. Then she wanted a different character. I was trying to figure out how to get a different character for her but she was not patient. Her dad gave in and told us to just buy the PC version. The addiction to the game is real. They both play now. I just shake my head at the two of them (lol!).

Today I finished up a page just for this lovely photo. This is definitely going on my list of favorite pages. I love the look of paper pages with the cut out journaling and the soft colors. I blended a photo overlay at a very low opacity over the completed page to give it a pinkish haze.

 photo tron-cropped4-700_zps4763946a.jpg

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