I am in the middle of my 2012 project life album. I had a plan to get it finished before the summer was over, but I am not sure if that will happen. Editing and choosing photos is a slow process for me. I am trying not to include photos that will be in Aida’s album and trying to check for any notes or social media updates I made have posted for each day. I have it all saved in one place but it just takes to sort through it all. I am thinking I definitely need to make a list of all that I have learned while trying to do project life in digital format.
These are my latest additions to the album.
Each page is linked to a gallery post that lists the digital products that were used for each page. With these pages, I try to mix it up when I can and use different kits while still utilizing the color scheme I chose in the beginning. The album I am putting these in is the Amber Edition – Project Life binder. I will try to remember to come back with some photos of the album and some of the pages I have printed.
Thanks for visiting and I hope that you are having a good Friday! It is rainy here and I am going to try to enjoy it just the same!