Creative Avenues

The Fine Print

All opinions expressed on this blog are my own. The photos and layouts shown are my own, unless I have stated otherwise. I choose what to share and review. From time to time, I may use affiliate links to promote products. Please know that I only choose and link things I genuinely love and would buy myself {or already have!}. This blog is a true reflection of me and I appreciate your visit and support!

Telling the Stories of Our Little Ones

Almost seven years ago,  I decided to join the world of Facebook. I did not have many reasons to do so. I was just curious after my husband had created a profile. He was catching up with people he had not seen or heard from in years. I thought, well, let’s see what this is about. For me, it became another way to keep track of everything going on in the digital scrapbooking community and I got the opportunity to connect with some of my favorite scrappy people. See, I don’t talk much. I am very much and introvert and sometimes it just hard to get out of my own head. The one thing that helps me to keep expressing myself, my thoughts and feelings is scrapbooking. I can pour my heart and mind into a page and feel so good about afterwards.

I love taking photos. I love looking at photos. I  love trying to remember the stories behind the photos. A lot of times I will see people sharing photos, quotes, or other happenings on Facebook. The one question I always ponder: “What if Facebook had a server malfunction?” or “What if, by some miraculous event, it shut down?” What are people going to do with all of those memories? I mean, I have a bad memory. I never remember every single detail, but there is the likelihood I may be looking at something and think, “what happened on so-and-so day?” or “I wonder how I felt when I heard that.” Scrapbooking is a way to get down the details. Yes, photos can evoke a memory or a feeling but there is nothing like have more pieces to the story.

With my children, I definitely want to capture those life defining moments. My daughter is 7 and she is constantly coming to me or her father with some pretty big ideas or questions. We tend to have some really thought-provoking and fun conversations. I feel as if I am the keeper of these memories for her. I know I don’t remember anything I said when I was around her age. I barely remember how I felt about life. So, being able to record these things is wonderful to me. I get the chance to help her go back in time. Each time she looks at one of her albums and reads the little notes, she will know exactly what was going on and an idea of how she was reacting.

This layout I recently created is just one example. She may have seen this photo in passing and thought it was cute that she got to feed her brother. Since I told her story on the page, she will also know that she was very interested in the idea of taking care of her new brother. She will know more about the person she was at that age.

digital scrapbook products featured in this post :
My Tribe | ElementsPocket Cards ✚  Papers –  Amber LaBau // Get Lost: Patterns & Backgrounds – Allison Pennington
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  • I ask people that same question about loosing data on FB when I am doing consultation for my personal scrapbooking services. To me it goes even deeper to the reasons we have to print our scrapbook pages. What if your hard drive/computer crashes – there goes your pics and pages! I am all for scrapbooking, saving, and printing!ReplyCancel