I cannot believe the day is almost over and this is the first time I have really sat down at my computer. I remember when computer time was cherished and to never be interrupted. That is not all the case now, especially since the little lady had no school today. We made pancakes and bacon, washed clothes, watch a few shows, twisted her hair, made a wish list for Christmas, fumbled around with my printer that did not want to act right… and then I noticed… I had missed the day. It really flew by me today. I miss having her home with me, so I was just hoping we could relax. We had a few moments of time where we just relaxed but I was still up doing things. It was like my brain kept finding things for me to do.
Today I am thankful for quiet time. It does not have to be “me” time but it does have to be without sound. I can handle a click of the mouse and the tap of the keyboard, but no talking, no television or music or anything. I am trying my best to get a little in right now but I do not see that happening. As much as I would love to be able to say up later tonight and finish a few scrapbook pages and go through my e-mail ..in the silence… I just will not make it. I enjoy the quiet because it is my time to think. The silence recharges me. If I do not have any pockets of silence, I feel crowded or something. Not sure of the word I am looking for to really describe that feeling. Either way, I think it is one of the few things I look forward to in any part of my day. Those few moments of silence.
On that note, I will end this post with a macro flower shot I took a few months ago. Can’t have a post without a picture, right?
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