It seems like it has been weeks since I have blogged. It probably has. So many things have happened. We made a road trip to Alabama this past week. We got back home Sunday afternoon and man, that was the LONGEST drive ever! My daughter had a good time visiting with her cousins and grandparents, so that definitely made a sad trip turn into a good one. Lately, I started working on a new blog. I really missed my WordPress blog. I love blogger, but I love the WP platform even more. I am customizing every code I can to get it just the way that I want. Hopefully, I will be able to share it soon along with some other new things that I plan on sharing. One thing I can say, the blogger spacing on posts is much easier to deal with. When I enter, it gives me a line break without question. Right now I am having to reformat all of my posts on WordPress. I bought a new domain so I am trying to decide if I should even move all of my blogger posts. It is becoming more work than I thought it would be to reformat all of the posts. I am such a perfectionist and I really need the spacing to be the same for each of the posts.
I definitely have some scrap booking to catch up on. Working on my smash book has even been put on hold a bit and it makes me sad. Still trying to find things for Aida to do each day. Her birthday was about a week ago, so I officially have a 5 year old. I wake up before her every day, but on her birthday she woke up before both of us. Her dad said she was in face talking about her birthday before he even got up for work that morning. This was the first birthday that we did not go on a big, elaborate trip. I miss that but it was nice celebrating all day (and week) with my baby girl. I have so many photos to work on from her birthday. I need to make a huge task list of photos to edit, share and scrap. Let’s hope I even remember to do that…lol! Just wanted to share a photo of the little lady from April of this year. I was cutting out shapes for her to put together a flower. She enjoyed it and now I have an adorable flower in my kitchen.
I must get back to it now….thanks for visiting!