Since I have had more time to actually think through things, I have come to a decision. I have a Marketing degree. When I was about 14 or 15, I said I wanted to be in advertising. I grew up and learned that I am too much of an introvert for that. I could never be easily sociable and explain to others the ideas in my head. For a long time I had a cloud over my thoughts. Like I was afraid to process and sort through my own mind, which is just crazy. I know why I chose Marketing. I get bored easily. I change my mind frequently. Marketing was the one area of study that could be used in any field I ever decided to learn more about. My first thought upon entering college in the Fall of 2002 was that I should do something computer related.
First two years of college are like a “buffer” zone, so I had that time to really decide what my major would be. I stuck with Marketing. Now…I wish I had done web design or something programming related. Those things speak to me. Computer geek stuff excites me. It is like breathing for me. So why did I not do that? It seemed like so many people were going to school for that. What would set me apart? Knowing how to market myself. My favorite professor at UAB taught my International Business course, Mr. Pang. He would always ask us: “What is Marketing?” I would never respond…quiet old me..and most everyone would look around in a daze or confused or just sleep…mostly because that’s what we were there to find out…and he would laugh and tell us that it was easy, it was “market things.” Really and truly…that is all it is. Market things…whatever your business it…sell it…make someone else want it. I wish I had opened up more in class because now I get it…I get the point of it all, the big picture. So! Know how to market your skills and no matter if you are the best or moderately good, if you market yourself the right way….it will work.
All of that to say, I really want to do this web design thing. I want to focus on blogs first. I love to blog, although I may be boring to some…lol! My topics are scattered on this blog because it is my life in words and pictures. My brain is scattered daily and I have several thoughts just like this any given minute. So….don’t let this blog be the judge is what I am saying…lol! I have things I would like to see. I want to focus on blogger first and WordPress second. WordPress was not hard for me but because I was working every day, I could not invest the time I wanted into it to get the results that I desired. This blog here is the product of a wonderful theme discovery made by a great designer. My project will be to make my own.
There are several places to make a blog and thousands upon thousands of themes available. Some are free and some cost more than I am willing to spend right now. If I were still working, I would buy and not think twice about it. Not all of us can pay large amounts of money for a blog, and there is nothing wrong with whether you can or cannot or want to or do not want to. It just depends on what you really want out of your blog. I love love love designing my blog and playing around with the code, but now I want to start from scratch. Hopefully, there will be even more to come soon…or at least by the year’s end. I am anxious and ready to learn more about CSS and HTML.