It seems like it has been forever since I have posted here. Scrapbooking has still being going on. Still playing The Sims 4 and Overwatch. It’s just been hard to get through the thoughts in my head. I worry about everything and now a daily worry since March 2020 has been this coronavirus. Our lives have changed so much.
I am still grateful for the chance to have the kids to participate in online school. It will be even harder for me to let them go back to school once it’s safe. My 6-year old definitely wants to go in-person for 2nd grade. I am considering it as long as he is okay wearing a mask all day. This year was a no because he said he would suffocate (lol!!). There is no way I’d force my child to attend school like that. Plus, the way school was inconsistent due to kids having to be out to quarantine after exposure, I didn’t want them to deal with the back and forth. Overall, even though I don’t like being around people, I know my son misses it and my daughter may need a little more of it. We’ve been holding strong.
In a couple of days, my husband and I will be getting our second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I had a bit of a headache after my first dose, but it was not worse than my normal migraines. I have a high threshold for pain, so it would have had to been much worse to bother me. After a week, my arm began to get sore and it felt like there was a hard knot at the injection site. It started to get red and itchy and of course, I had to google it. Everything I saw said it was one of the side effects of the vaccine and that it’d go away in a few days. I used some cortisone for the itching and aloe vera to soothe it more. It felt like someone had punched me in the hard very hard. After about 4 days, that went away. My husband had a headache after his first dose and a sore arm. His jaw, on the same side as the injection, was sore afterwards also. The soreness in his jaw is still there and doesn’t seem to be going away. He went back to the emergency room that administered our vaccines and they mentioned taking over-the-counter pain medication and using a warm compress. His next dose is also in a couple days and it looks like this side effect will still be there, unfortunately.
Even with us getting the vaccine, I don’t see much changing for us. We still have two kids and one of them has asthma and severe food allergies. So mama is still on high alert. I would love to see the day I worry a little less. Probably!
The past weekend was iNSD (International Srapbooking Day). I did get around to making a couple of pages, but would have loved to make more. Honestly, my games keep me occupied most of the time I have free. Either way, this page I am sharing was created using a kit called Grow Through It by Forever Joy Designs.