Creative Avenues

The Fine Print

All opinions expressed on this blog are my own. The photos and layouts shown are my own, unless I have stated otherwise. I choose what to share and review. From time to time, I may use affiliate links to promote products. Please know that I only choose and link things I genuinely love and would buy myself {or already have!}. This blog is a true reflection of me and I appreciate your visit and support!

Little Miss Red

Just a photo share today. These were taken almost a month ago. I really had a good laugh when Aida said that she wanted to go outside to ride her bike. It was cold and windy. The first time she ran outside she wanted to wear shorts and sneakers. I told her she had to bundle up and we were only going to be out for a little while. When she burst through the door like this, all I could do is laugh. That red coat (another Zulily find!) with the pink animal stripe hat and the sunglasses were quite the sight to see. She thought she looked “fabulous.” I called her granny a few times and she got angry. She really reminds me of this lady in a movie. I can’t remember the name of it though. It’s an old movie. I wish my memory was not so bad.

Anyway, I had a little fun editing these. I tried something a little different and experimented with the surface blur filter in PS. After applying the blur, I created a mask to erase some of the blur off of my daughter. I had the paintbrush tool set to 0% hardness and 50% opacity.


These were shot with the following settings  and my Canon 50 mm f/1.4 lens >> ISO 800  – Shutter speed 1/250 – Aperture f/2.8 – Metering mode Spot.

Thanks for visiting!



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  • Petra W

    Awww she is too adorable and those pics (and coat!) are fantastic!!ReplyCancel